Friday, April 22, 2022


Down below is my CCR. I hope you enjoy watching it because I know I did. It was an interesting process throughout.

Friday, April 15, 2022

It is Finally Here

It has been completed. This is the film my group and I have completed for this project. It was an interesting and fun experience to work with them all. I am excited for you to see it. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Concluding Thoughts

It has been done. My group and I have finished the final task. It has been a very long and fun experience throughout everything. I am proud of what Sabrina and Michael accomplished with their editing skills. They were an incredibly huge help for this group. I am also very pleased with Ashley. She provided the location for the film, drove  places, gave many props and so much more. She also gave great advice and listened thoroughly to everyone. I am also delighted with myself. I gave great recommendations and advice. My group even told me that I had good ideas throughout filming. My group and I accomplished a lot and I am proud of each and every one of us. After Ashley, Michael, Sabrina and I was happy with the results, it was decided to watch the film again. I would say I watched the film more than ten times to make sure everything was okay. The other members in my group probably also watched it more than ten times. Especially the editors. I cannot wait to post the film and let others see it. It would be more interesting to get more thoughts on it and opinions. This experience was one I will never forget and I am happy with the people I chose for my group. I cannot thank them enough.



Sunday, April 10, 2022

Changes Must be Made

 Today is the day my group and I made changes to the film. Specifically, suggestions and recommendations from the film review. I looked back to my last blog, which was the film review to see what had to be fixed. The scenes that were too long and had to be shortened was completed. Sabrina was the one who did this. She took the long scenes and cut them all by four to five seconds. The scenes that were too short, was left alone. In order to fix them my group and I would have had to redo scenes. After all that was done, there was some changes to the audio. The audio had to increase  for the audience to hear the film properly. My friends said it was too quiet. In order to do this, Sabrina went to the app iMovie to edit film. She chose each individual scene that needed to be fixed, and chose the audio option. Then she moved the volume bar up. Then, Sabrina, Michael, Ashley and I took a quick break to rewatch the movie together. The goal was to make sure everything was right that needed to be fixed. After that, the editing process continued. I am glad that the message / story of the film was clear. So, changes were not needed. Another piece of constructive criticism was that the sound effects were hard to listen to, so Michael raised the volume. In addition to that, Ashley and I noticed the effects were a bit out of order and out of place. This was fixed by dragging the audio clip to the desired part of the film. All in all, everything that had to fixed was fixed and nothing had to be reshot. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022


 Before my group and I completed the editing process, I wanted to make sure it made sense with the story that was planned. To achieve this, I talked to other students and peers of mine.This will give me opinions and thoughts about the film. From gathering these ideas, thoughts and opinions, more changes can be made. I tried to get people who I knew are very honest and gives constructive criticism. Majority of my fellow peers said that specific scenes were a bit longer than they should have been. If I am going to be honest, I totally agree with them. While I was reviewing the film multiple times, I did catch some scenes that were extended. Even though some scenes were too long, there was also some scenes that were too short. They were so fast that the audience I showed couldn't clearly understand what was happening. I also agreed with the people who said this. In addition, something else they said was that it was a pretty good film for a two minute opening. Some even said that they wished there was more they could see. I am a bit disappointed though because my expectations was super high for this film. But I prefer honesty so I don't think I should be too upset. Another issue was the sound. They said the dialogue was a bit too quiet and could have been better. This actually surprised me because I thought the audio was good. Even though there was quite a few errors, I am happy that the main thing I wanted the audience to understand was clear.  This was the storyline. This is the biggest point I wanted the viewers to get. If they didn't get the storyline, that would mean my group and I would have to redo scenes. It could've also meant starting over completely. That would have been way too difficult and stressful. All in all, every piece of criticism was extremely helpful to me and my group. I am happy that I received it so now I am aware for future reference.


Monday, April 4, 2022

Continue Editing

The last time my group and I edited, a lot was completed. The task was to cut things out to save time and get rid of unnecessary things. The film has to be two minutes or under, the video without any edits had around two minutes and thirty seconds. Sabrina did majority of cutting out the clips. Ashley and I told her what had to be cut out. After Sabrina cut out all the clips thats weren't necessary, Michael revised the video. I was a bit disappointed to see some scenes get cut out because I liked them. But I was also surprised because it still turned out good even with all the cuts. Michael caught a lot of errors along the way. He noticed the blurry parts, issues with the lighting, sound, specific shots, etc. I had a bit of fun playing around with different types of transitions. For example, fade-ins and fade-outs. Transitions are my favorite part of editing because it adds something cool to the film. Towards the end of the film, I remembered to add in the sound. Ashley played piano for the sound at the end of the video. I think it sounded really good and helped with the vibe my group and I were going for. I also tried many filters to put over the video but I did not find any that I liked. My group and I wanted it to seem more real and using a filter would make it seem a bit fake. When the editing process was finally finished, the film ended at exactly two minutes. I am very grateful for Sabrina's editing skills as well as Michael because without them the film wouldn't be how it is now. I am also very thankful for Ashley to give great advice and recommendations. 




Down below is my CCR. I hope you enjoy watching it because I know I did. It was an interesting process throughout.